Best Practices shared by

Top Agents from around the country!

Thursdays @ 12 EDT

Who Are We?

Are you struggling with the uncertainties of today's market? Maybe you're feeling the pressure of higher competition, or overwhelmed by the constant need to adapt to new technologies? Even worse, maybe you're concerned about some part of ALL of these? Well, YOU'RE NOT ALONE! These are some of the biggest challenges real estate agents face in 2024.

Join our exclusive weekly mastermind sessions every Thursday at 12 PM EDT to gain insights, connect with experts, and find solutions that will help you overcome these uncertainties and THRIVE in 2024 and beyond! It's time to invest in solutions for the problems that are holding back your success!


Low And No Cost!


Keep More Of What You Earn!


Create Legacy Profits!


An Environment Of Winning!

What are brokers saying about our

BOP LIVE! Training?

It's not only agents on the call. Whether they're franchises, independents, seasoned, or brand new, very often we have brokers and their agents join the masterminds together.

We Can Help You!

How do we collaborate?

With the difficulties that agents face today, we make sure to not only cover topics that are relevant now, but also help you for years to come. Topics like:

  • How to generate leads for free!

  • Low and no cost marketing tactics that work

  • Listing strategy best practices

  • Guest speakers discussing how they won and what to avoid

And so much more!


When we have guides to help you grow, we share them!

With our extensive network of great agents we are always coming across way to help generate more leads, keep costs down and revenue up, determine what training is a waste of time versus what training really helps agents grow, and then we share it with you!


When we have income creating Playbooks, we share them!

If a panel has something to share we make sure you get it! If other agents share their best practices on our masterminds we make sure you get it. We believe that a rising tide lifts all ships and that the public deserves to work with the most skilled and best prepared agents in the market. We believe they deserve the best version of YOU!


FREE Courses that we create, we share them!

Not only do we share them with you but we discuss how you can leverage the tactics inside the courses so that you get the most from best practices that are explored inside. More closings and less expenses, what could be better when it comes to growing your real estate practice?

Why do we do this FOR FREE?

It's simple, if you like how we collaborate you will also connect with us and tune into our Podcast that is designed to help agents just like you!

It's simply the best hour an agent can spend each week if they are focused on growth!



Brian M.

My team and I watch these and then discuss what work best for our business, we love the teamwork!



Kathy C.

I work closely with the agents on my team and I love the head start that I get by coming to BOP LIVE!



Chandra M.

If an agent is wondering if attending BOP LIVE! is worth it, tell them to call me ASAP!



Bren R.


When is it?

We host live masterminds every Thursday @ 12 EDT. Once you register you will receive 2 reminders every Thursday. One first thing in the morning and then another at 11:45am. We call that one the "don't miss it if you're on the go"!

Who hosts these sessions?

The sessions are hosted by Matt Vigh and Dr. Ben Spears who are the co-hosts of Broker's Open Podcast (BOP as it's called by our subscribers.)

Who attends?

These sessions are attended by agents from across the country and cover best practices being shared by top agents! It's NOT hosted by a real estate company, franchise, or board affiliate entity. It's simply brokers and agents collaborating to grow their businesses!

What if I miss an episode?

If you miss an episode you can reach out to the broker that invited you and they have access to replays of BOP LIVE! sessions for at least the past 12 months. We cover everything from leads, getting launched, to getting the highest commission rates that you can! After all, BOP LIVE! is not just about open houses, it's about open minds!


© Copyright 2024. Brokers Open Podcast . All rights reserved.